Our Curriculum

The First Presbyterian Church Early Preschool is a Reggio-Inspired program that values every child. Teachers introduce projects based on children's interests, allowing them to learn through different avenues, such as art, nature, or music. The classroom environment is considered the "third teacher" and is designed to spark curiosity and provide sensory, literary, science, math, art, and social-emotional learning. Families are an integral part of our program and can visit classrooms, attend Community Conversations, participate in events, and help with program projects. Above all, the Early Preschool strives to ensure that each child knows they are loved, respected, and seen as a child of God.

A Closer Look

  • The First Presbyterian Church Early Preschool is a Reggio-Inspired program that believes that all children are to be valued, respected, and seen as capable, competent, and rich in potential. Teachers, after careful and thoughtful observation of the children’s interest, introduce projects for the children to explore and research. These projects can last anywhere from a week or two or might span an entire school year. There are many avenues of learning, and we recognize that all children do not learn in the same manner. With this in mind, we invite children to learn by those means that they are intrinsically drawn to; art, nature, print, physicality, auditory, music, etc., allowing children to explore and research using many different avenues. This freedom to learn in a way that is best for them shows the child that they are respected and a valued member of the community. This method of learning also fosters strong self-confidence skills and instills a thirst and excitement for learning.
  • The actual physical classroom environment is considered the 3rd teacher in our program. Much thought is given to creating an environment that is welcoming, calming, creative, and one that sparks curiosity. Our classrooms provide spaces to explore many different learning domains, such as sensory, literary, science, math, art, social science, and social emotional learning. You will notice a natural color palette, lots of natural light, comfy seating areas for both children and adults and spaces for both small and large group gatherings.
  • Our program values outdoor play and exploration. We offer not only traditional playgrounds, but we also regularly take “walkabouts”, exploring the beautiful grounds of First Presbyterian Church. Children bring raincoats and rain boots to keep at school so that outdoor exploration can occur rain or shine.
  • Community also plays a large part in our program–families are an integral part of our program and are invited to be involved by visiting and volunteering in classrooms, attending Community Conversations, supporting staff through staff recognition events, participating in special holiday events, or helping with special program projects.
  • Above all, the Early Preschool strives to ensure that each child knows that they are loved, respected, and are seen as a child of God and that Early Preschool is a safe and loving place for them to grow and learn.
  • Chapel: Our Early Preschool students attend a chapel class once a week led by members of First Presbyterian Church’s Children’s Ministry Team.
Since 1814

For Christ, His kingdom, and the common good.

Worship with us Sunday at 8:30 or 11:00 a.m.

Founded in 1814, First Presbyterian was born by grace. We are an outpost of the kingdom, called to glorify the Triune God, to make known the crucified and risen Christ, and to advance the gospel of God’s free and redeeming grace. Whether you are a long-time member or are new to First Presbyterian, we would love to help you find ways to get more connected.

First Presbyterian Church Nashville

4815 Franklin Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37220 Map

615-383-1815 | communicationsfpcnashvilleorg