2024 Stewardship Glass Color
2025 Pledge Campaign


Now is the time to prayerfully consider how you can support the missions and ministries of First Presbyterian Church. Your pledge commitment informs our 2025 budget planning. Make a pledge using the Virtual Pledge Card below. 


Pledge Card

Your generous commitment will give church leadership the information needed to plan the 2025 budget. Please know that if your circumstances change throughout the year, your pledge/estimate of giving can be adjusted. Please enter your information below and click "Submit." Your submission will be sent directly to our Development office.

I/We would like to consider FPC in my/our estate planning.

Next Steps: If you would like to fulfill your pledge via automatic bank draft or credit card donation, use the link on the confirmation page after submitting your virtual pledge card.

Fulfill Your Pledge

There are many ways to fulfill your pledge. You can make a gift or fulfill a pledge in the following ways.

Online: Click here to make a gift or set up a recurring automatic bank draft or credit card donation. Need help? Click here to learn how to Use FPC Online Giving or contact our Development Office.

Offering Plate: Place your gift in the offering plate as it is passed on Sunday mornings.

Text: Give directly to FPC by texting “GIVE” to 707-475-3005.

Stock: When ready to make a stock gift, please contact Carsen Rooney at Wiley Bros. The account details for a contribution are as follows:
Pershing LLC
DTC 0443
ACCOUNT 6H6-034018
First Presbyterian Church Nashville

Required Minimum Distribution (RMD): Contact your broker.

Trust: Contact your broker.

Stewardship FAQs

Generosity in giving is a commitment to be good stewards of our God-given resources. Intentional giving to First Presbyterian places our lives and resources before God as an offering and a shared sacrifice. Gratitude is a natural response to grace, and it is not only a responsibility but a privilege for every member of this church to give back.

Each fall, the stewardship campaign asks FPC members to commit resources for the coming year to support the church’s programs, ministries, outreach, and operations. The campaign raises awareness among our members of the significance of their ongoing support and encourages a yearly commitment to this particular outpost of God’s kingdom. The stewardship campaign’s primary focus is inviting our members to submit a pledge. Pledge commitments provide vital information for the Finance Committee to create a budget for the following year.

No. We need everyone in the congregation to give at whatever level they can—every pledge and gift counts. The average gift of slightly over $7,500 reflects the need for many contributions to build a complete budget that supports the ministries of First Presbyterian.

Pledging is a mechanism for planning. We are a church that works best in a climate of information. The more information we have, the better we can plan for the year ahead. Your pledge allows that to happen. We recognize that some in our congregation come from different faith traditions, and some of those traditions don’t include a habit of pledging. Think of your pledge as an estimate of what you can commit under your current circumstances.

Of course. There are those in our congregation who give regularly but who do not make a pledge. We are enormously grateful for their generosity! However, pledging enables us to plan our budget more accurately. The more information we have to work with when creating the budget, the more accurate it will be by anticipating what resources will come in during the year.

Life happens, and it is okay to change your pledge! A pledge estimates what you hope to give in the coming year. It is an estimate, not a legal document. We recognize that circumstances change and that you may need to amend your original estimate. Let the development office know your anticipated change, and we will gladly amend your pledge. Don’t hesitate to contact a pastor if a difficult life circumstance impacts your pledge: they are here to support you.

The church’s budget consists of several components. These include pledged giving, non-pledged giving, income from the endowment, tuition from early preschool, recreation income, and other income. The Finance Committee, with input from pastoral and staff leadership, has the primary responsibility, with the approval of the Session, for determining the budget each year.

The average pledged contribution in 2024 was about $8,500. Below is a guide to help you consider what amount works best for you. Your participation, regardless of the amount, will make a difference and is an expression of your gratitude for blessings from God.

All gifts are a recognition and a reflection of our gratitude and God’s boundless grace. Your contribution to First Presbyterian supports all areas of church life: Education and Discipleship, Mission and Service, Worship and Music, Buildings and Security, and Administration and Operations. Each contribution helps ensure the vitality and sustainability of these areas, which are vital to living out our mission.

Development Staff

Mary Russ

Contributions and Donor Relations

Mary Russ provides essential recordkeeping and administrative support for the Finance and Resource Development teams to ensure member contributions are accurate and consistent with donor intent. She plays a vital role in managing the annual stewardship and planned giving programs.

Kevin Garvey

Generosity Team Chair

Kevin Garvey leads the Generosity Team, a group of officers and lay people who develop and promote the annual pledge campaign.

Since 1814

To know Christ and to make Him known.

Worship with us Sunday at 8:30 or 11:00 a.m.

Founded in 1814, First Presbyterian was born by grace. We are an outpost of the kingdom, called to glorify the Triune God, to make known the crucified and risen Christ, and to advance the gospel of God’s free and redeeming grace. Whether you are a long-time member or are new to First Presbyterian, we would love to help you find ways to get more connected.

First Presbyterian Church Nashville

4815 Franklin Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37220 Map

615-383-1815 | communicationsfpcnashvilleorg