Stock Infant Baptism


Baptism is the sacrament that unites us with Jesus Christ and makes us members of God’s family, the Church. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, baptism initiates us into the Church, bestows the promise of God’s grace upon us, assures us that God forgives our sins and calls us to a life of Christian service and fulfillment.

The Sacrament of Baptism

Baptism is the sacrament that unites us with Jesus Christ and makes us members of God’s family, the Church. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, baptism initiates us into the Church, bestows the promise of God’s grace upon us, assures us that God forgives our sins and calls us to a life of Christian service and fulfillment.

Why is Baptism Important?

Baptism represents our first step on the journey of faith, and it assures us of God’s presence as we travel through life. Through baptism, we become members of God’s family, joined with members of our congregation and with Christians everywhere. Jesus gave this command to the disciples: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

What Does Baptism Mean?

Baptism is the Church’s proclamation and experience that we are who we are because God has first chosen us and loved us and called us into His kingdom. Baptism by water is a visible sign of God’s love toward His children, and it is represented in the covenant that is sealed among God, the parents of the child or the baptized adult and the worshiping congregation. Baptism is not something that we earn or ever deserve, but that we receive as a sign and seal of God’s eternal grace. Presbyterians do not believe that baptism is essential to salvation, nor do we believe that we are saved by baptism. We believe that the normal mode of entrance into the church is by baptism but recognize that not all genuine believers have been baptized.

At What Age Do We Baptize?

No matter the age at which you are baptized, baptism celebrates the start of a new life in Christ. Parents bring their child for baptism on the basis of their own faith, with the hope that the child will grow in faith and love and serve God. When we present babies for baptism, we do so because we believe they already belong to Jesus, and therefore should be baptized as a symbol of their membership in the family of God.

What is the Rite of Baptism?

Normally, the Sacrament of Baptism is administered in the presence of the congregation during a worship service. During the service, persons to be baptized come to the front and stand near the baptismal font with the pastor and an Elder. When a young child is baptized, the child’s parents (or guardian), also gather at the font. The pastor will introduce the sacrament and present questions to the person or parents, and the congregation promises to nurture the child/adult; then the pastor administers the Sacrament of Baptism.

Why Wash with Water?

The visible sign in baptism is the sprinkling or pouring of water, which signifies our cleansing from sin, our regeneration, our being made new by the work of Christ.

Questions? Contact us

Susan Becker

Administrative Assistant for Worship Services

Susan Becker has joined the staff as a part-time Administrative Assistant for Worship Services. Susan will be responsible for ensuring the elements of worship are accounted for and executed professionally each week. Worship is at the heart of our church, so this job is critical to ensuring all our services are done with excellence.

Since 1814

To know Christ and to make Him known.

Worship with us Sunday at 8:30 or 11:00 a.m.

Founded in 1814, First Presbyterian was born by grace. We are an outpost of the kingdom, called to glorify the Triune God, to make known the crucified and risen Christ, and to advance the gospel of God’s free and redeeming grace. Whether you are a long-time member or are new to First Presbyterian, we would love to help you find ways to get more connected.

First Presbyterian Church Nashville

4815 Franklin Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37220 Map

615-383-1815 | communicationsfpcnashvilleorg