Caring for others in times of illness, bereavement, and other challenging times.

Congregational Care

About Congregational Care

Congregational care at First Presbyterian Church is an essential part of ministry to our church members and community members, as we seek to share God’s love and compassion. 

We care for others during illness, bereavement, and other challenging times. Pastoral staff and church members provide care by visiting the sick, maintaining regular contact with the elderly, being friends to the troubled, comforting the grieving, and coordinating help and support in various life transitions. 

Another part of congregational care is equipping church members for intentional care and support. This takes place through our Stephen Ministry and Home Partners programs. Stephen Ministers are trained to enter into caring and confidential relationships with those facing difficult life circumstances. Home Partners provide regular visits to persons unable to attend church because of health concerns. These programs are designed to ensure that no one in our community feels alone during their struggles.

Talk to a Pastor

The pastoral staff is here for you. Contact us if you would appreciate a pastoral visit or phone call, have pastoral care needs, would like to be on the prayer list, or if you are in the hospital. Prayer Requests can be confidential and limited to the pastors. During church office hours, call 615-383-1815. There is always a pastor on call for after-hours emergencies. Call 615-383-1815 and follow the prompts to leave a message with the on-call pastor.


Resources & Services

Stephen Ministry
The Stephen Ministry at First Presbyterian is one important way we seek to live out this scriptural call by becoming ministers of God’s love and care to one another. In a one-on-one caring relationship, people who are hurting receive support and love. Stephen Ministers receive extensive training to equip them to enter into caring and confidential relationships with persons going through a difficult time such as illness, loss of a loved one, divorce, or job loss. Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry. If you feel a need in your life that could be met by the Christian caring of a supportive Stephen Minister, contact Rev. Dr. Sandra Randleman. Learn more about Stephen Ministry.

Home Partners
Home Partners is a rewarding ministry that offers an opportunity for the joy of new friendships. A Home Partner is a volunteer who visits a church member who cannot regularly attend church services because of health limitations. A Home Partner visits one church member once a month to extend the care and concern of our church. Home Partners also have the joy of delivering an Easter flower and a Christmas poinsettia on behalf of the church. For more information about serving as a Home Partner or receiving a Home Partner visit, contact Rev. Dr. Sandra Randleman

Medical Lending Closet
The Medical Lending Closet is a ministry of First Presbyterian Church that accepts donations of used equipment, such as wheelchairs and walkers, for use by congregation and community members who may need these items. Those in need may use the equipment as long as necessary, then return it to the Medical Lending Closet. If you have items to donate or need an item, contact the church’s Hospitality Center at 615-383-1815. Call to arrange delivery of large items; small items can be brought to the receptionist. A tax-deductible receipt is available from the church office. The Medical Lending Closet currently has walkers, wheelchairs, shower seats, crutches, toilet chairs, walking canes, etc. 

Monday Flowers
As an effort of the Congregational Care Committee, "Monday Flowers" shares the flowers from Sunday worship with our church members who are unable to regularly attend church services because of health limitations. Volunteers gather on Monday morning to arrange the Sunday worship flowers in smaller arrangements and other volunteers then deliver the flowers to our at-home members. The flowers brighten the lives of our beloved church members and allow us to show them that they are loved by their church. If you would like to assist with this ministry or know someone who would like to receive flowers from the church, contact Rev. Dr. Sandra Randleman.

Handyman Crew
Handyman Crew undertakes minor house repairs for members over 55, widows, widowers, or single parents. They can help with things like replacing light bulbs, lubricating hinges/locks, loosening stuck windows, replacing toilet flapper valves, changing air filters, replacing smoke alarm batteries, installing a fire extinguisher, and unclogging a stuck drain. If you need help with jobs like these (or know someone who does), our Handyman Crew would be glad to assist you. Contact Sally Ostheimer for help from our team. If you want to volunteer with our Handyman Crew, contact Allen Kennedy.

Manna Freezer
The Manna Freezer provides food to persons going through challenging times. Church members are invited to stop by to choose items to deliver to FPC members, neighbors, or friends who are ill, recovering from surgery, navigating a family death, or experiencing financial stress. Share the bounty! The freezer is located in the stairwell from the kitchen end of Courtenay Hall up to the Sanctuary. For questions about the freezer or if you are interested in becoming a contributor, contact Denise Bellardo.


Deaths & Funerals

Upon the death of a loved one, a pastor of the church should be notified as soon as possible. Our pastors also desire to know of those who need comfort and counsel as they face death. By being involved early in situations of death or impending death, the pastor can help with the necessary decisions regarding service arrangements and care for the spiritual needs of those involved. To contact a pastor, call the church at 615-383-1815. There is always a pastor on call for after-hours emergencies. Call the church and follow the prompts to contact the on-call pastor.

Funeral & Memorial Services Checklist for Families

A checklist is to assist the bereaved in the decisions that are necessary at the death of a loved one.

Pre-Planning a Funeral or Memorial Service Brochure

This brochure is intended for your personal use in pre-planning a funeral service at First Presbyterian Church of Nashville. By planning your service in advance you can specify the type of service you would like, so that your friends and family celebrate you as you wish.

Grief Support

Each winter, we host a Grief Support Group for adults experiencing grief following the death of a significant person or any other loss in their lives. The group will explore the emotional impact of grief and spiritual resources for the journey through grief combined with a study of the psalms of lament. Under Dr. Sandra Randleman’s care, the group provides grief support in a safe and caring environment for those who grieve.


For more information about any of the following programs, to receive our prayer list by email or mail, to submit a prayer request to the prayer list, or to request confidential prayer, please contact Rev. Dr. Sandra Randleman.

Prayer Requests

You may submit confidential prayer requests by filling out prayer request cards and depositing them in the Prayer Request Box located in the Narthex on the southeast wall of the Sanctuary or Hospitality Center desk. Prayer request cards are in the Sanctuary pew racks and attached to the Prayer Request Boxes. One or more pastors will pray for these prayer requests. Prayer requests will be kept confidential.

Congregational Care Connections

Members are invited to join in the prayer ministry of First Presbyterian Church by praying for those included in the prayer list. Included on the Congregational Care Connections page is a list of prayer concerns which includes church members and their family members requesting our prayers. Congregational Care Connections is link in the weekly Parish News email for church members. The Congregational Care Connections page can be reached by clicking on the “folded hands” image in the email.

The pastoral staff is here for you. Contact us if you would appreciate a pastoral visit or phone call, have pastoral care needs, would like to be on the prayer list, or if you are in the hospital. Prayer Requests can be confidential and limited to the pastors. 

During office hours, call 615-383-1815. There is a pastor on call for after-hours emergencies. Call 615-383-1815 and follow the prompts.

Congregational Care Staff

Dr. Sandra Randleman

Associate Pastor for Congregational Care & Missions

Sandra Randleman has served as the Associate Pastor for Congregational Care and Discipleship since 1999. Her areas of responsibility include congregational care, support groups, and missions.

Charlotte Schierbaum

Ministry Assistant for Congregational Care

Charlotte supports congregational care, other caregiving ministries, the columbarium, and New Officer Training.

Submit a Prayer Request

This information will be communicated directly to Rev. Dr. Sandra Randleman, Pastor for Congregational Care, and will be kept strictly confidential.
Life Transition Planning Guide

Love Letter to My Family

We often comment, "There Are No Cell Phones in Heaven!" After your death, or if you are ill and unable to communicate, how will your family know all you would want to tell them? Where are your important documents, such as your will? First Presbyterian has prepared a planning guide, Love Letter to My Family, which allows you to collect this vital information in one place. Preparing this information in advance and assessing it annually will be a gift to your family.

First Presbyterian Church Nashville

4815 Franklin Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37220 Map

615-383-1815 | communicationsfpcnashvilleorg