Flower Ministry

Let the whole earth be filled with awe at your wonders! —Psalm 65:8

Sanctuary Flowers

Each week, flowers are given by church members to beautify the Sanctuary for Sunday worship. Sanctuary flowers are organized by the Worship Flower Committee, which is led by a team of officers and lay leaders. These leaders coordinate the dedications of the Sanctuary flowers and design, organize, and decorate the Sanctuary twice a year for Christmas and Easter. If you would like to serve as a Christmas and Easter floral volunteer, contact Kelly McMullen.

To contribute Sanctuary Flowers, complete the form below.

Monday Flower Ministry

As an effort of the Congregational Care Committee, "Monday Flowers" shares the flowers from Sunday worship with our church members who live in retirement homes or at home and are unable to regularly attend church services because of health concerns. Volunteers gather on Monday morning to arrange the Sunday worship flowers in smaller arrangements and other volunteers then deliver the flowers to our at-home members. The flowers brighten the lives of our beloved church members and allow us to show them that they are loved by their church.

If you would like to assist with this ministry or know someone who would like to receive flowers from the church, contact Rev. Dr. Sandra Randleman.

Donate Vases

The Monday Flower Committee sometimes needs small vases. Small vases are preferred, both for ease of transport and because many of the recipients don’t have much room for large arrangements. Vases larger than 10” are not needed. If you have extra flower vases that can be used, please drop them off at the Hospitality Center. Your donations to this ministry are a gift to many.

Christmas & Easter Floral Dedications

Twice a year, floral dedications are collected to decorate the sanctuary during Christmas and Easter. 

Honor or remember your loved ones this Easter with a contribution to the Flower Fund. There is no minimum donation required. The names of those being memorialized or honored will be listed in the Easter morning bulletin. Submit your dedication by submitting a card or clicking the link below. Please submit dedications by April 11, 2025.

About the Flower Ministry

Each week, church members give flowers to beautify the Sanctuary for Sunday worship. The Worship Flower Committee is led by a team of officers and lay leaders who coordinate the dedications of the Sunday flowers and decorate the Sanctuary twice a year for Christmas and Easter. Following worship, volunteers disassemble the Sanctuary arrangement on Monday mornings into smaller bouquets and deliver the bouquets to our at-home members.

Our flower ministry is a tangible expression of our gratitude and reverence for God’s ongoing work of creation and our confidence in life everlasting.

If you have completed the Sanctuary Flowers form and need to submit your payment online, click the button below.

Flower Ministry

Ongoing Work of Creation

Incorporating flowers into worship and church events reflects our commitment to host sacred spaces where the magnificence of God’s creation is revered and celebrated. Just as the Psalmist declares, “Let the whole earth be filled with awe at your wonders!” (Psalm 65:8), we understand the profound symbolism of flowers in conveying God’s splendor and His promise of heaven on earth. Their vibrant colors and enchanting fragrances remind us to marvel at the Creator’s abundant blessings and, in turn, help us express our reverence and gratitude to Him. 

Our flower ministry becomes a tangible expression of our gratitude and reverence for God’s ongoing work of creation and our confidence in life everlasting. By carefully arranging flowers in our worship spaces, we honor our Creator’s masterpiece and invite one another to consider the delicate tapestry of life. Flowers for worship, holy days, weddings, funerals, and memorials help us celebrate both Sovereign God and the community of faith that binds us together throughout all creation. 

Furthermore, our flower ministry is a testament to our commitment as stewards of God’s creation, as we tend to these floral gifts with care and mindfulness. Through our worship adorned with blossoms, we bear witness to the grandeur of God’s kingdom, where every flower serves as a testament to the Creator’s providence. As an outpost of the kingdom of God, our flower ministry extends beyond mere adornment; it expresses our mission to become reconciled to God, to one another, and to God’s created order. Through this ministry, we strive to cultivate an environment of hospitality, beauty, and grace, inviting all who enter our Sanctuary to encounter the transformative power of God’s goodness and love.

Flower Ministries

Kelly McMullen

Worship Flowers Committee Chair

Kelly serves as the chair of the Worship Flowers Committee. In this role, she coordinates the weekly Sanctuary flowers and manages the Christmas and Easter Sanctuary decorations.

Mary Earthman

Monday Flowers Coordinator

Mary serves as the coordinator for the Monday Flower ministry. In this role, she coordinates the schedule of floral and delivery volunteers.

First Presbyterian Church Nashville

4815 Franklin Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37220 Map

615-383-1815 | communicationsfpcnashvilleorg