Pathways to connect


Opportunities for adults provide pathways to connect with others who are seeking to follow Christ. They offer opportunities for learning, fellowship, and for growing in relationships with one another. All adults are invited to explore our offerings as an educational and relational complement to corporate worship.

Looking to connect? Explore the variety of options available on Sundays and throughout the week. 

Sunday School

In a large church such as ours, a Sunday School class is one of the best ways to develop friendships within the congregation and share in Christian community. The weekly rhythm of Sunday provides a regular opportunity to gather and study together as an educational and relational complement to worship. Between worship services, the adult Sunday morning program includes a variety of regular classes with a wide range of sizes, formats, and content. Classes begin at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday unless otherwise noted in the class description. If you're looking for regular connection and discipleship, visit any Sunday School class and join one of these vibrant communities.

Finding community is an integral part of growing in faith, and the Communities of Belonging initiative provides opportunities for us to build new relationships. Life has a way of pulling us in many directions, and we recognize the desire to connect beyond Sunday mornings. Connect during the week on campus and in homes for topical conversations, book studies, and seasonal groups.

Midweek Lunch & Study with Pastor Ryan Moore

Wednesdays, beginning January 15
11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. | Session Room
Questions? Contact Lynn Elliott

A weekly Bible study and lunch with Dr. Ryan Moore. Lunch is provided; donation requested. 

Communities of Belonging

Beginning week of January 27 
Meets at various times and locations
Questions? Contact Julia Wilk

Our church is dedicated to fostering a stronger sense of community within our church family through our Communities of Belonging. Finding community is a crucial aspect of growing in faith, and our Communities of Belonging offer opportunities for us to form new relationships and connect beyond Sunday mornings. 

Tuesday Morning Men's Bible Study

7:15 a.m. | Bryant Conference Room
Questions? Contact Sandra Randleman

This faithful group of men meets each Tuesday morning to read the Word, pray, and connect with one another.

Presbyterian Women Circles

Second Tuesdays, September through May.
Varying times and locations
Questions? Contact PW Moderator Sally Einstman

Morning and evening groups, known as Circles, meet on the second week of each month for women of every life stage. Visit any Circle, at any time, as your life allows.

We are pleased to share that Dr. Rusty Douglas is returning as our Pastor-in-Residence starting Monday, March 3 through Tuesday, April 22. He will be teaching a variety of topics ranging from church history, theology, and worship and providing opportunities for spiritual growth and community building. Please join us for these discipleship opportunities:

Midweek Lunch & Study: Turning the World Upside Down
Wednesdays, March 5–April 9 | 11:30–1:00 p.m. | Jones Session Room

Logos Sunday School Class: The Presbyterian Slant
Sundays, March 9–April 13 | 10:00–10:45 a.m. | Stanford Chapel

Fireside Fellowship Groups: John Newton
Sundays, March 9–April 13 | 6:00–7:30 p.m. | Tyne House Living Room
(Registration opens March 6)

More Ways to Connect
FPC also offers weekly programming to foster fellowship through movement and play with our First Friends, Recreation Ministry, and events. Join us!

First Presbyterian Church Nashville

4815 Franklin Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37220 Map

615-383-1815 | communicationsfpcnashvilleorg