Membership & Connections


Looking for a church home?

If you are interested in membership or gaining a deeper understanding of First Presbyterian Church of Nashville, we invite you to attend our Inquirers Class. It's also a good opportunity to meet other newcomers to the church, as well as pastors and staff. Attending the class does not obligate you to join the church. No matter where you are in your journey of faith–whether you are new to the Christian faith, seeking, questioning, or desire to become a member–you are invited to participate in our Inquirers Class. 

We offer two formats for our Inquirers Class: A one-day Saturday class or a three-week, class during the Sunday School hour.  The class is designed for prospective members interested in uniting with FPC as members, or who wish to learn about the history, beliefs, ministries and mission of FPC and the Presbyterian (USA) denomination. 

For Saturday classes, lunch and childcare are provided; registration required. For more information, contact Julia Wilk.

Contact us for more information!

Julia Wilk

Connections and Engagement Coordinator

Julia engages visitors and new members and fosters meaningful relationships throughout the congregation. She can answer questions about first visits, membership, and getting connected.

First Presbyterian Church Nashville

4815 Franklin Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37220 Map

615-383-1815 | communicationsfpcnashvilleorg